Sunday, January 5, 2014

true beauty rant.

dear no one . . .

i know i've been posting a bunch lately. please forgive me. all my friends are out of town and i don't have much to do. anyways, recently i've been thinking about girls being insecure these days and about real beauty... i thought i would just sort of write my thoughts about it on here just incase anybody wanted to hear from me. oh, and just to let you know, if you decide to go to my instagram after reading this and comment "preach it girl!!1!1 🙌" on my photo then you can just leave, i'm sorry.

so my definition of true beauty is probably a little different than yours. lots of people see beauty in flawless skin, or in makeup. others see it in friendship. some see it in people that are kind to one another. but in my opinion, the most beautiful people are the people that find the beauty in everything. like the people that look forward to seeing sunsets every day, or the people that love finding the perfect leaf. the people that fill their lives with beautiful things are the most beautiful people.

it doesn't even make sense to call ourselves ugly, because we never even see ourselves. i mean, yeah, we see ourselves in pictures all the time, but we can never see ourselves in the eyes of somebody else. we can't see ourselves sleeping in bed, curled up silently with our chests rising & falling with our own rhythm. we don't see ourselves reading a book, eyes fluttering and glowing. you don't see yourself looking at someone with love and care in your heart. there's no mirror in your way when you're laughing and smiling and pure happiness is leaking out of you. you would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in the moments where you are truly your authentic self. 

if you don't think you are very smart or good looking or what not then why don't you focus on things that you actually do like about yourself. like maybe you are good at remembering birthdays, or you are gentle and kind with animals, or you are good at being patient with children or you have mastered the art of roasting marshmallows to perfection. you don't need to be einstein or a top model to celebrate yourself.

i know that the phrase "everyone is beautiful" has never actually made someone feel better about themselves, ever... but think about it this way. you are a human with the ability to read this writing and the ability to understand what i'm typing right now. you have a brain and eyes and a mouth and most likely arms and legs to do whatever you want. you can function as a person and that itself is beautiful. so maybe you don't have the most stunning eyes or the most luscious hair or whatever, but there's so much cool stuff that you can do or so many gorgeous features about you that others wish they had. seriously, i know that there is at least one person that has looked at you and thought, 'wow, that person is really beautiful', wether it was your friend, or your coach or your mom... there's someone that really thinks you're gorgeous. i promise you that.

here is a little message to the boys that could possibly be reading this. if you see a girl at school and you think her new haircut looks pretty, simply tell her. it's not that difficult. if you see a random stranger out in public and she's wearing sweats, her hair is up in a messy bun and she has no makeup on, tell her that you think she's beautiful. now don't just randomly go up to a stranger and tell her she's super hot and ask for her number... that's not what i'm saying. if you tell a girl she's beautiful then she will remember that and it will make her entire day complete. even if she laughs in your face, then you will know that she's not that beautiful on the inside, but don't be scared. you would actually really be benefiting both people. this girl (who is most likely very insecure like everyone else) would be given an amazing compliment, and you would be known as a nice person.

here is a little message to all the girls that could possibly be reading this. we all want what we don't have. everybody who has curves wants to have a thigh gap and everybody who is skinny wants curves and everybody that is short wants to be tall and everybody who's really tall feels awkward and wants to be short. i'm almost 5'5 and i would give anything to be 5'2, but no matter how hard i wish, i'm not gonna just wake up one day and have magically shrunken 3 inches. everybody is jealous of each other but remember that the person you're jealous of is jealous of someone else, and someone is jealous of you.

so that is my rant today. i hope that you take this to heart and respect my opinions. thank you so much for reading this far. i know i wrote a lot. i'm glad i got to finally blog about this topic because i have been wanting to film a youtube video on it for a while now but i changed my mind because i don't know how i feel about my face being on youtube. anyways, school is starting again tomorrow so i won't be posting as often again. thanks again for reading. i love you!

always, molly x

♡ ♡ ♡

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