Wednesday, January 1, 2014

things to do & not to do when you're bored.

dear no one . . .

there's only a few more days of winter break, and if you're a loser like me then you don't have any plans. not having school for 2 weeks is amazing, don't get me wrong, but it's easy to get bored when all your friend's are on vacation and you're at home without anything to do. furthermore, here is a list of things to do when you're bored.

1. make yourself a cup of hot chocolate, tea or coffee.
2. paint your nails.
3. watch a movie on netflix.
4. organize your bedroom.
5. play a board game with your family.
6. write out your name in cool new ways.
7. build a fort with your little siblings and spend the night in it.
8. go on a bike ride.
9. check out a new book at the library.
10. dance to your favorite song on full-blast.
11. brush your hair until it's unbelievably soft.
12. make a collage of your favorite outfits, quotes and photos and hang it up on your wall.
13. text your friends and remind them that you love them.
14. bake some cookies.
15. plant a flower.
16. take a bubble-bath.
17. write down all of your negative thoughts on a piece of paper and put it in a paper shredder.
18. release a balloon into the sky.
19. go for a walk.
20. write a list of things that make you happy.

sometimes when we're bored, we tend to do some things that aren't healthy for us or just not good to do in general. here is a list of things NOT to do when you're bored...

1. don't complain about how bored you are.
2. don't spend too much time on your phone, computer or watching TV.
3. don't eat unless you're actually hungry. try not to confuse your hunger with boredom. 
4. don't over-sleep.
5. if you're in a bad mood, don't take it out on your family. get some alone time.

hope this post was helpful & i hope the rest of your winter break is wonderful!

always, molly x

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